调查漳州市农业土壤重金属Hg、As、Cr、Cd、Pb背景值及污染现状,调查结果,漳州市农业土壤重金属背景值相对较低。其现状为,Hg、As、Cd、Pb含量高于背景值1~4倍(Cr除外),特别是Hg和As为高污染元素。按土壤类型划分,水稻土土类重金属含量高于赤红壤土类(Hg除外);按土地利用方式划分,水田 > 菜地 > 果园;按流域划分,九龙江流域农业土壤重金属含量高于非九龙江流域(Cr除外)。污染源以农业污染为主,工业污染相对较轻。
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The background value of heavy metals in agricultural soils is low, as is exposed in the investingation of soil heavy metals, Mercury, Arsenic, Chrome, Cadmium and Lead and their pollution. The status of heavy metal pollution is that the content of Mercury, Arsenic, Cadmium and Lead in the soil is 1~4 times higher than the background value, respectively (except Chrome). Mercury and Arsenic are the major contaminants in the soil. In terms of content of heavy metals (except for Mercury) paddy soils > lateritic red earth, according to soils type; and paddy field > vegetables soil > orchard soil, according to the ways of land utilization; and agricultural soil in the Jiulong River basin>others(except for Chrome), according to the basin. The pollutants come mainly from agricultural sources rather thanindustrial ones.