通过对苏中典型县-海安的土壤环境质量的监测,对照GB/T18407.1-2001《农产品安全质量无公害蔬菜产地环境要求》、DB32/T343.1-1999《江苏省无公害农产品(食品)产地环境条件要求》及《土壤环境质量标准》(GB15618-1995)标准,分别采用Nemerow综合指数法进行评价。结果表明:全县5.30万hm2耕地土壤符合国家及地方无公害农产品(蔬菜、粮油)产地环境要求,占97.7%;以GB/T15618-1995中土壤自然背景值评价,全县综合污染指数为0.86,属尚清洁,其中1级土壤(清洁)占79.3%,土壤中污染因子分担率依次为As > Cr > DDT > Hg > Cu > Pb > Cd>六六六,主要是少部分老棉区受农药(DDT、Hg、As制剂)轻污染,与70~80年代耕地利用方式及农民的用药有密切的关系,总体表现为里下河>沿海>沿江。通过研究提出了土壤利用与修复的规划。
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In this paper presented are results of a study on quality and pollution of soil environment by monitoring in Hai'an county,which is located in Central Jiangsu province. The present situation of the soil environment quality and pollution are evaluated by Nemerow integrated index method and standards such as GB/T18407.1-2001, DB32/T343.1-1999 and GB15618-1995. The county has a total of 5.30*104 hm2 of farmland, or 97.7% of the county's total, in compliance with the national and local environmental norms for production of non-hazard agricultural produce (vegetables, grain, cooking oil); With the standard (GB/T18407.1-2001) as the norm for assessment of the natural background value of the soil, the integrated pollution index of the county is 0.86, falling into the category of "clean". About 79.3% of the soil is of Grade One (clean), Factors contributing to the soil pollution are in the order of As > Cr > DDT > Hg > Cu > Pb > Cd > benzene hexachloride, which is mainly the result of some traditional cotton fields having been slightly contaminated with agro-chemicals (DDT, Hg, Arsenic products) and the patterns of land use and pesticide utilization in the 70-80s. In terms of regions amd severity of pollution, the Lixiahe Region > coastal region > the Riverside region. Based on the research results, strategies for utilization and remediation of the soils are brought forth.