Abstract:Variation of soil organic phosphorus fractions, and relationship of organic P and its fractions, with soil organic matter and readily available P were studied with Bowman-Cole method. The results showed that active P0, moderately active P0, moderately stable P0 and highly stable P0 accounted for 80.2%, 9.8%, 9.0 % and 2.0 % of total P0, respectively. And combined application of organic manure and inorganic fertilizer significantly increase contents of active P0, moderately active P0 and moderately stable P0, but decreased highly stable P0. Application of chemical fertilizer increased total amount and activity of P0. and content of moderately active P0, but decreased contents of highly and moderately stable P0, and had no significant influence on distribution of P0 fractions. Activityand moderately active P0 showed positive relationship with readily available P, organic matter and total organic P, whereas moderately and highly stable P0 had nothing to do with readily available P and organic matter.