利用稀释分离法从东北蔬菜保护地37份土壤样品中共分离到各种放线菌菌株543株,采用活体对峙培养法共获得对植物病原菌具有拮抗作用的放线菌菌株19株,将其中抑菌圈直径超过15mm的菌株进行液体发酵试验,以叶霉病菌作为指示菌,采用杯碟法测定各菌株发酵液的抑菌活性,其中发酵液抑菌圈直径超过15mm的菌株有5株。对编号为MY02、MY04的菌株,进行了进一步的验证试验,测得其对叶霉病菌的抑菌圈直径分别为24 mm、23 mm。同时进行了这两个菌株的抑菌谱试验,结果表明无论其活体还是其发酵液对番茄叶霉病菌、番茄灰霉病菌等多种植物病原真菌均表现强烈的抑菌效果。菌株MY02除茄子黄萎病菌外,对试验的其他10种病原真菌抑制率均接近或超过90%。同时菌株MY02、MY04对植物病原细菌也具有很好的抑菌活性,试验结果表明,对番茄溃疡病菌、水稻白叶枯病菌、大白菜软腐病菌、果树根癌病菌、烟草野火病菌的抑菌圈直径分别可达20mm、16mm以上。
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Out from 37 soil samples from vegetable greenhouses in Northeast China were separated a total of 543 strains of actinomyces, of which 19 strains showed antagonism against plant pathogens. Five strains with bacteriostatic rings over 15mm in diameter were used for liquid fermentation test. Leaf mold fungi were picked as indicator in measuring bacteriostatic activity of fermentation liquors of the strains with the cup-dish method. It was found that strains MY02 and MY04 bacteriostatic effect on plant pathogenic fungus and bacterium such as Fulvia fulva, Botrytis cinerea, Xanthomonas oryzae pv. Oryzae, etc. reached 90%.