影响作物生产的土壤因素会随着耕作管理措施的变化而改变,研究目前条件下影响作物生产的主要土壤因素并分析其变化的原因,可以为作物的生产和管理提供重要决策支撑。本文以江西省鄱阳湖流域进贤县作为典型研究区,在全县范围内布点采样分析,获取51组土壤属性数据和野外水稻测产数据,采用主成分分析法,用主成分表征研究区内主要土壤因子,并与水稻产量之间进行相关性分析,获得了影响水稻产量的主要因子。结果表明:钾素因子、物理结构因子与水稻产量之间达到显著相关水平,相关系数分别为0.325 (P<0.05)、0.411 (P<0.01),成为当前研究区内水稻产量的主要限制因子;淹水条件下,土壤酸化对水稻生产的影响并不明显,但其导致的钙、镁等盐基离子流失可影响作物产量;稻田排灌体系的完善可以减弱土壤潜育化作用对水稻生长的影响。
[Key word]
Limiting soil factors on rice yield vary with the change in agricultural management. Identifying and analyzing the main limiting soil factors on rice production under the current conditions play a key role on decision-making in rice production management. 51 couples of soil samples and soil properties from Jinxian County in the Poyang Lake region, China, were collected and analyzed. The estimation of crop yield in the same soil sampling site was also carried out. Based on PCA for soil properties and correlation analysis between principal components and rice yield, the dominant limiting soil factors on rice production were discussed. The results indicated that 1) soil potassium factor and soil physical structure factor were significantly correlated with the rice yields as the two limiting soil factors with the Pearson coefficient of 0.325 (P<0.05) and 0.411 (P<0.01), respectively; 2) under the waterlogged conditions, although soil acidification contributed to rice production insignificantly, the leaching loss of base cations such as Ca2+and Mg2+ caused by soil acidification could also affect the crop production; and 3) the impact of soil gleying on rice growth was weakened with the improvement of drainage and irrigation facilities in the paddy.
S158.5; S159.2; S511