江南茶区夏季高温少雨,新建茶园易受旱热草害,从而影响茶苗成活率和生长。为了探讨不同覆盖材料在幼龄茶园中保湿、降温、抑制杂草的效果,采用单因素对比试验,设置4个覆盖处理,1个裸地对照,在杭州盛夏高温季节对各处理土壤温度和湿度变化及控草效果进行了比较研究。结果表明:夏季晴热高温季节,黑膜、无纺布和覆草处理均可显著降低土壤温度,减小温度日较差。持续晴热7天和14天时,黑膜和覆草处理土壤含水量显著高于对照组。覆盖均能极显著抑制茶行杂草的生长,其中黑膜和无纺布处理的杂草生长量极显著低于白膜和覆草处理。所有覆盖处理都能极显著降低拨草人工费,最高效的黑膜覆盖处理可以节约8 550元/hm2,所用工时只有对照组的24.95%,扣除覆盖成本投入,每公顷可以节约6 370元。综合比较各种覆盖材料在降低土壤温度、提高土壤含水量、控制杂草生长及降低除草成本方面的效果,发现黑膜处理效果最好,其次是无纺布和覆草处理。因此,新茶园夏季覆盖材料推荐使用黑地膜、覆草和无纺布。
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Because of high temperature and less rainfall in mid-summer, new tea gardens in tea production area of the south Yangtze River are more susceptible to drought and weeds, which badly affects the growth of tea. Field experiments were conducted to study the functions of different kinds of covering materials in new tea gardens. The results showed that in mid-summer, the black membrane mulching, non-woven fabrics cover and grass cover significantly decreased soil temperature. When high temperature lasts for 7 days or more, soil water contents of black membrane treatment and grass mulching treatment were significantly higher than control without mulching materials. Mulching could significantly inhibit the growth of weeds in tea garden. The growth of weeds in the treatments of black membrane and the non-woven fabrics was significantly lower than that in the treatments of white membrane and grass mulching. All mulching treatments could significantly reduce the weeding cost. The most effective treatment in this aspect was black membrane mulching. The treatment can save 8 550 yuan/hm2 and save 6 370 yuan/hm2, if the cost of plastic film cover is excluded. Black membrane mulching has the best effectiveness in reducing soil temperature, increasing soil moisture, controlling weeds growth and reducing the cost of weeding, followed by the treatment of non-woven fabrics and grass mulching. Therefore, black membrane, non-woven fabrics and grass are recommended as mulching materials using in mid-summer tea gardens.
国家茶业产业技术体系建设专项(CARS-23)、杭州市重大科技创新专项 (20112312A02)