利用工厂化高温好氧堆肥方式,探究了有机肥起爆菌剂对猪粪堆肥腐熟效率的影响。通过工厂试验,以猪粪为原料,稻壳为辅料,设置对照Z1和接种起爆剂处理Z2,研究堆肥过程中不同堆体的温度、pH、EC、C/N和养分等理化指标的变化及堆体腐熟效率的差异。对照Z1与处理Z2的堆体温度在高于55 ℃的时间均持续了18 d以上,Z2处理的升温速率和温度最高值均高于对照Z1;两堆体的pH和EC值变化无显著差异,至堆肥结束,堆体Z1的pH稳定在7.45左右,Z2的pH稳定在7.25左右;堆体Z1和Z2的C/N分别下降了46.39% 和51.33%,全碳含量分别下降了43.18% 和47.34%,全氮含量分别上升了5.94% 和9.28%;Z1和Z2的NH4+-N和NO3--N具有类似的变化趋势;至第28天,Z2的发芽指数已达100%,说明肥料已完全腐熟,而Z1此时的发芽指数仅为85%;堆肥结束时,Z1和Z2的最终总养分含量(N、P2O5、K2O)分别达51.63 g/kg和52.67 g/kg。结果表明接种有机肥起爆剂能够有效加快堆肥腐熟。
[Key word]
In order to enhance the efficiency of high temperature aerobic composting, the effects of microbial inoculants on pig manure composting in factory were investigated in the present study. Functional microbes were inoculated in raw materials constituted of pig manure and auxiliary material, rice husk, to investigate their effects on the variations of the physicochemical indexes including stack temperature, pH value, EC, C/N, nutrients and protein transformation during the composting process in the factory. Stack temperatures remained above 55 ℃ for 18 days regardless inoculation of microbes, while temperature rise rate and maximum temperature were all higher in Z2 treatment. No significant differences were observed in the variations of pH and EC values, and at the end of the composting, pH values in Z1 control and Z2 treatment were 7.45 and 7.25, respectively. C/N values and total carbon contents decreased by 46.39% and 43.18% in Z1 and by 51.33% and 47.34% in Z2, respectively, while total nitrogen contents increased by 5.94% and 9.28% in Z1 and Z2, respectively. Similar trends of variations of NH4+-N and NO3--N amounts were observed in Z1 and Z2. At the end of the composting, germination index of compost sample from Z2 was 100%, indicating that the product was maturity, while the value in Z2 was 85%, and total nutrients in Z1 and Z2 were 51.63 mg/kg and 52.67 mg/kg, respectively. The results showed that microbial inoculants could enhance the efficiency of high temperature aerobic composting in factory.
江苏省农业科技自主创新资金项目(CX(15)100606)、中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(KYZ2015197和KYCYL 201502)、苏北专项(BN2015082)、国家重点研发专项(2016YFE0101100)、江苏省科技计划项目(BY2016077-05)、江苏高校品牌专业建设工程资助项目(PPZY2015A061)、青蓝工程和校大学生创新训练项目(1513A09)资助。