黟县是皖南黄山市重要的农业县,本文利用黟县测土配方施肥工作获取的农田土壤测定数据,分析其耕作层中量元素硫和微量元素铁、锰、铜、锌、硼的有效态含量及其空间分布,以为区域施肥提供决策支持。结果表明:黟县农田土壤有效铁、锰、铜、锌、硼、硫含量分别介于4.20 ~ 348.30、0.60 ~ 225.00、0.04 ~ 14.74、0 ~ 88.00、0 ~ 355.00、0.48 ~ 87.85 mg/kg,平均值分别为126.10、15.62、2.93、1.78、0.81、16.17 mg/kg。采用克里格插值获取的元素有效态含量空间分布图显示,黟县南部、北部的元素有效态含量较高,中间区域的含量相对较低。该地区有效硼普遍较为缺乏,应广泛补施硼肥;部分地区有效锌缺乏,需酌情喷施硫酸锌叶面肥。
[Key word]
Yixian County is well known for its traditional agriculture of Huangshan City in southern Anhui Province, in which the trace and middle elements are essential for the growth of crops. This paper aimed to instruct the reasonable fertilization by investigating the spatial variations of middle and trace element contents in plough horizons in Yixian County based on the dataset of the Testing and Formula Fertilization. Soil maps interpolated by the geo-statistics suggested that soil available Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, B and S ranged from 4.20 to 348.30 mg/kg, from 0.60 to 225.00 mg/kg, from 0.04 to 14.74 mg/kg, from 0 to 88.00 mg/kg, from 0 to 355.00 mg/kg and from 0.48 to 87.85 mg/kg, respectively. Meanwhile, the mean values were 126.10, 15.62, 2.93, 1.78, 0.81 and 16.17 mg/kg, respectively. Most of those areas were lack of B where B fertilizer should be used widely, while some areas were lack of Zn where Zn fertilizer should be used rationally.