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Seven typical paddy soil profiles derived from two parent materials were selected in Northern Hunan Province, soil form environment, profile morphological characteristics and physicochemical properties were observed and analyzed, the diagnostic horizons, diagnostic characteristics and attribution of these soil profiles were identified according to Chinese Soil Taxonomy. The results showed that those paddy soils belonged to two groups of Hapli-Stagnic Anthrosols and Fe-accumuli- Stagnic Anthrosols, and four subgroups of Endogleyic Hapli-Stagnic Anthrosols, Typic Hapli-Stagnic Anthrosols, Typic Fe- accumuli-Stagnic Anthrosols and Albic Fe-accumuli-Stagnic Anthrosols. According to the classification standards for Chinese soil family and soil series, seven soil families were identified and seven soil series were established for those paddy soils. Compared with Soil Genetic Classification, Soil Taxonomy can differentiate further paddy soils in the same form environment, and the established soil families and soil series are more quantitative and more conducive to agricultural production and land use.