







Effects of Woody Peat on Quick Improvement of Soil Organic Matter and Bacterial Community Composition in Newly Reclaimed Red-yellow Paddy Soils

1.State Key Laboratory of Soil and Sustainable Agriculture,Institute of Soil Science,Chinese Academy of Sciences;2.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;3.China land consolidation and rehabilitation center;4.View Sino International Limited Company;5.Zhejiang land consolidation and rehabilitation center;6.Land and resources bureau of Tonglu County,

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    通过工程措施开发新垦耕地是增加耕地面积的重要方法,这些新垦耕地的主要问题为土壤有机质(SOM)低下,而农田 SOM 培育是一个漫长的过程。本研究以新垦红黄壤性水田为研究对象,通过施用腐熟秸秆及与土壤腐殖质结构类似的木本泥炭,明确其快速提升 SOM 效应。此外,为了促进秸秆养分的快速转化,本研究进一步比较分析了 3 种商用激发剂的激发秸秆分解潜力,并采用 16s 高通量测序技术阐明其微生物机制。试验包含 6 个处理:对照(CK)、施用腐熟秸秆(S)、施用腐熟秸秆+木本泥炭(SP)、以及在 SP 基础上添加激发剂Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ(SPJ1、SPJ2、SPJ3)。结果表明,SP、SPJ1、SPJ2、SPJ3 中的土壤有机质(SOM)、易氧化碳(EOC)、可溶性有机碳(DOC)分别比 S 或 CK 处理高 12.1% ~ 20.6%、29.9% ~ 48.9%、50.8% ~ 75.5%,微生物生物量碳(MBC)则为它们的 10.5 倍 ~ 16.1倍,导致 MBC/MBN 增加了5.1 倍 ~ 12.4 倍;土壤有效磷(AvaP)和团聚度在 SPJ1、SPJ2、SPJ3 间类似,并比 SP、S、CK 处理显著提高 44.7% ~ 63.6%、26.4% ~ 43.6%,表明木本泥炭以及本试验所选择的 3 种激发剂均能显著改善土壤理化性状。细菌多样性和系统发育多样性指数在激发剂施用土壤中均处于较高水平,并分别与DOC 和 EOC 显著正相关。PcoA 与 Anosim 分析发现 3 种激发剂施用土壤的细菌群落结构类似并与其他处理差异显著,该差异主要与 AvaP、DOC、EOC、MBN 有关。上述结果表明,通过在新垦水田土壤上施用腐熟秸秆和木本泥炭,可快速提升 SOM 含量,而在此基础上添加商用激发剂具有激发养分转化功能的微生物的潜力,从而改善土壤理化性质和提升作物产量,并且本研究选择的 3 种激发剂均有类似效应。


    Reclaiming new arable land through engineering measures is an important way to increase cultivated land area in China. However, the main problem of these new arable lands is the low content of soil organic matter, and the cultivation of farmland SOM is a time-consuming process. In this study, The effects of applying decomposed straw and woody peat which has the similar structure in soil humic substances on improving SOM contents of newly-reclaimed arable red-yellow paddy soils was investigated. In addition, three commercial activators were used to promote the rapid transformation of straw nutrient, and field experiments were conducted to compare the effects of straw, woody peat and activators application on the yields and soil properties of yellow paddy soils, and meanwhile Pyrosequencing-based analysis of the V4-V5 16S rRNA was used to elucidate its microbial mechanism. The field experiments included six treatments: soil without straw or peat (CK), soil + straw (S), soil + straw + peat (SP), soil + straw +peat + activator I (SPJ1), soil + straw +peat + activator Ⅱ (SPJ2), soil + straw +peat + activator Ⅲ (SPJ3). The results showed that SP, SPJ1, SPJ2 and SPJ3 treatments had the highest SOM, EOC, DOC, MBC and MBC/MBN. The contents of SOM, EOC and DOC of SP, SPJ1, SPJ2 and SPJS treatments were 12.1%-20.6%, 29.9%-48.9%, and 50.8%-75.5% higher than those of S or CK treatment, respectively, while those of MBC and MBC/MBN were 10.5-13.5 and 5.1-12.4 times of those of S or CK treatment, respectively. The content of AvaP and aggregation degree were similar between SPJ1, SPJ2 and SPJ3, and were significantly higher than those of other treatments, increased by 44.7%-63.6% and 26.4%-43.6% respectively compared with S treatment. It showed that peat and all three activators in this research could significantly improve soil physical and chemical properties. The dominant bacteria in paddy soil were Proteobacteria, Acidobacteria and Chloroflexi. Bacterial diversity and phylogenetic diversity index were higher in all stimulator-applied soils and were significantly positively correlated with DOC and EOC, respectively. The bacteria community composition in the soils treated with all three activators were similar and had markedly differences with other treatments. And the differences were mainly related to AvaP, DOC, EOC and MBN. The results above indicated that the addition of activators to paddy soils with straw returning has the potential to stimulate soil microorganisms with nutrient conversion functions, thereby, can improve soil fertility and increasing crop yields, and all three activators selected in this study have similar effects.


陈美淇,马 垒,赵炳梓,范树印,谭 钧,鞠振山,朱锦尉,徐国华,王淑媛,徐基胜,张佳宝.木本泥炭对红黄壤性水田土壤有机质提升和细菌群落组成的影响[J].土壤,2020,52(2):279-286. CHEN Meiqi, MA Lei, ZHAO Bingzi, FAN Shuyin, TAN Jun, JU Zhenshan, ZHU Jinwei, XU Guohua, WANG Shuyuan, XU Jisheng, ZHANG Jiabao. Effects of Woody Peat on Quick Improvement of Soil Organic Matter and Bacterial Community Composition in Newly Reclaimed Red-yellow Paddy Soils[J]. Soils,2020,52(2):279-286

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  • 收稿日期:2018-05-21
  • 最后修改日期:2018-09-06
  • 录用日期:2018-09-18
  • 在线发布日期: 2020-04-24
  • 出版日期: 2020-04-25