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    当前喀斯特石漠化治理研究中出现了一个新词汇即喀斯特土壤。通过对喀斯特土壤已发表文献的研究并结合后寨河小流域内2 755个土壤剖面信息,探讨了喀斯特区域内土壤类型及其差异,对喀斯特土壤进行了定义并辨析了在纯碳酸盐岩地区喀斯特土壤与喀斯特区域土壤的区别。结果表明:后寨河流域共有石灰土、水稻土和黄壤3大土类,石灰土主要分布在海拔1 250 m以上的区域,且随着海拔的升高,分布相应增多,水稻土和黄壤主要分布于海拔1 350 m以下的区域;石灰土主要分布在流域东部峰丛洼地及中、西部山峦上,水稻土主要分布在流域东部洼地及中部河流西侧,黄壤分布无明显规律;不同土类剖面形态特征差异较大,石灰土平均土壤厚度(49.68 cm)低于水稻土(84.33 cm)和黄壤(85.54 cm),但石灰土平均石砾含量(7.94 g/kg)却远高于水稻土(4.28 g/kg)和黄壤(4.54 g/kg);石灰土、水稻土和黄壤的土壤厚度与坡度均呈负相关关系,平均坡度分别为18.92°、1.52°和3.23°。根据喀斯特的定义,喀斯特土壤应是喀斯特岩石发育形成的石灰土,而不应理解为分布在喀斯特区域的土壤,但大量文献中存在着对喀斯特土壤定义混淆的现象,辨别二者对石漠化治理具有重要意义。普定后寨河小流域土壤剖面信息也证明纯碳酸盐岩区域不仅仅有石灰土,还存在其他土壤类型,因此喀斯特区域土壤包含喀斯特土壤和非喀斯特土壤,而喀斯特土壤应特指由碳酸盐岩发育形成的石灰土。正确认知土壤的基本属性、土壤与植被的关系和土壤与母岩的关系,可以更好地辨别二者。


    Karst soil, a new vocabulary, appeared currently in the study of karst rocky desertification governance. Through analyzing literatures on karst soil and combining with the information of 2 755 soil profiles in the Houzhai River Watershed in Puding County of Guizhou Province, the soil types and their differences were explored, the correct definition of karst soil was established, and the differences between karst soil and soil in karst region in pure carbonate rock area was distinguished. The results showed that there are three major soil groups in the Houzhai River Watershed: limestone soil, paddy soil and yellow soil, the limestone soil is mainly distributed in the areas above the altitude of 1 250 m, and increasing with the increase of altitude. Paddy soil and yellow soil are mainly distributed in areas below 1 350 m in altitude. Limestone soil is mainly distributed in the peaks and depressions in the east of the watershed and in the mountains in the middle and west of the watershed. Paddy soil is mainly distributed in the depressions in the east of the watershed and the west of the middle rivers, but the yellow soil is distributed irregularly in the watershed. There are great differences in the profile morphological characteristics in the three soil groups. The average pedon thickness of limestone soil (49.68 cm) is lower than those of paddy soil (84.33 cm) and yellow soil (85.54 cm), but the average gravel content of lime soil (7.94 g/kg) is much higher than those of paddy soil (4.28 g/kg) and yellow soil (4.54 g/kg); Soil thickness is negatively correlated with slope for the three soil groups, and the average slope was 18.92° for lime soil , 1.52° for paddy soil and 3.23° for yellow soil. According to the definition of karst, karst soil should be defined as a calcareous soil derived from karst rocks, not soils distributed in karst region. However, lots of literatures confound the definition of karst soil, so differentiating karst soil and soils in karst region is of great significance to the management of rocky desertification. Soil profile data from the Houzhai River Watersheds indicate that in the pure carbonate area there is not only calcareous soil but also other soil types. Therefore, soils in karst region contains karst soil and non-karst soil, karst soil should specifically be referred to calcareous soil derived from carbonate rocks. It can better distinguish karst soil and soils in karst region by correct understanding of soil basic properties, the relationship between soils and vegetation, and the relationship between soils and parent rocks.


白云星,周运超,周鑫伟,张春来.喀斯特土壤与喀斯特区域土壤关系的探讨——以贵州省普定县后寨河小流域为例[J].土壤,2020,52(2):414-420. BAI Yunxing, ZHOU Yunchao, ZHOU Xinwei, ZHANG Chunlai. Differentiating Karst Soil and Soil in Karst Region——A Case Study of Houzhai River Watershed in Puding County of Guizhou Province[J]. Soils,2020,52(2):414-420

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  • 收稿日期:2018-06-14
  • 最后修改日期:2018-08-05
  • 录用日期:2018-08-14
  • 在线发布日期: 2020-04-23
  • 出版日期: 2020-04-25